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Graduation Project Proposal 2020


Piet Zwart Instituut


Find the full text here: myopia publication 2020


Graduation Project Proposal 2020


Piet Zwart Instituut


Find the full text here: myopia publication 2020

la selva: il baccanale del giambellino

with Gabriella Calabrese

competition entry for Milano Mediterranea 2020

The Jungle: Giambellino's bacchanal is a celebration of the realities and contradictions of Milan's South-West neighborhood, Giambellino.

The Jungle is a parade, a pagan feast that walks in and takes its space in the neighborhood, celebrating the lives in the territory.


The Jungle takes place at the twilight of the 21st of June, during the Solstice night. During the day of rebirth, the propitiatory parade wishes a new blossoming.

The Jungle blossoms and grows in Giambellino's urban spaces, taking over the tram railways, the canal's banks and the high bridges that connect it to the Metropolis. 

As these infrastructures connect the neighborhood to the city, The Jungle retraces and walks over these marks and unravels the foreigner cults of the multiethnic district. 

The Jungle travels through the manifestations of the mediterranean identity and pride of the neighborhood such as the Festa dei Gigli, a Neapolitan parade brought over by the south-italian community in the 80s.

The Jungle is an open archive: it contains the "threshold tales" of the neighborhood. These tales are told in front of the homes, schools, theatres and they belong to who tells them as much as they belong to whom stops and starts listening.

The Jungle intends to create collaborations among the different realities of the district to manifest and celebrate themselves. At a year from the outburst of the pandemic that hit Milan and its cultural and commercial realities, Giambellino's bacchanal acts as a cathartic moment, as a release from the hard situation.

From the collaboration between international artists and the commercial and cultural associations of Giambellino during practical workshops, the subjects reflect on the theme of self-representation and celebration in a propitiatory key.

The workshop will aim to the design and construction of an Auspicio (a premonition, an auspice). An Auspicio is the incarnation of one's identity: it can take the shape of a cart, a costume, a flag, a dance, an ephemeral architecture that constitutes a good premonition for the days to come. The Auspicio manifests itself during the parade and is celebrated by dances and musics.

la selva giusta.JPG
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